George Homeh was born in Walto, Tel-Nastri in Syria in 1954. He was the second child of 5 born to the Late Homeh (his father)and the Late Tauris (his mother). He spent his early years in Syria where he completed his primary and high school studies.
In early 1970's he developed more interest in music and became involved with a group of young men like his older brother John Homeh, Edwar Mousa, Attalla Gewargis and others to pursue their interest in music and singing. Often times the group would get together to play music and sing.
Around 1972/73 when a radio program in Assyrian was launched in Baghdad the group became regular listeners. When in 1973 a call was put to air by the program for singers with talent to contribute to the program, George and Edwar Mousa with the others organised a recording session at home and recorded a number of songs and sent the tape to Baghdad. Many of those songs were picked up and featured on the Assyrian program.
According to John, George did actually release a tape in 1972 probably was not widely distributed. In a talk session with George (in Australia) many years ago he was quite convinced that the activities of the group they formed was a kind of opening for the development of Assyrian music and singing in Syria. His brother John Homeh also agrees with this notion adding that his Late brother George became so keen as time went by he started a course of study in preliminary music. If one looks back since that time the number of singers that have emerged in Syria is a good proof.
In 1985 John printed and released in Australia a live album (called Vol 1) which George had recorded in Syria. Many months later after this release George left Syria and migrated to Australia to join his brother John who had settled there.
In 1987 George released his first Australian produced album which possibly established his singing and musical career. His discography is as follows (with uneven calling of volume numbers):
1) 1972 ? in Syria
2) 1985 Vol 1 Recorded in Syria printed and released in Australia
3) 1987 Vol 1 In Australia
4) 1989 Vol 2 In Australia
5) 1991 Vol 3 In Australia
6) 1993 Vol 4 In Australia
7) 2000 Vol 5 In Australia
Prior to his death, George had been working in his own studio for many months on a new album. He had a great deal of work completed. In fact his brother John said that George was having a break from a session in his studio and while sitting outside of his studio he collapsed from a heart attack he was rushed to hospital but never recovered.
John has pledged to continue the work on the recordings with the help of George's closest friend Rennie Daniel, a musician and recordist in his own right, to finalise the album so it will be released in memory of George Homeh.
George was talented in playing a number of instruments, the violin was his favourite but he also played oud, guitar and the piano. His musical talent was always in demand by other Assyrian performers. He played on albums for such singers like Geliana Esho, Carmelan Zodo, Homeh Lazar and many more. During his career he also had tours to perform in the U.S.A., Canada, IRAQ and a number of countries in Europe.
In 1991 he starred together with singer Juliana Jendo in a movie titled Wardeh Deesheh which was written, produced and directed by his brother John Homeh a talented artist and movie maker in his own right. This movie was very well received by Assyrian audiences everywhere.
The Late George Homeh passed away on Tuesday November 16 2010 in Sydney. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Antoinette Homeh, his daughter from England, Ms. Shoshan Tooma, his son-in-law the well know Assyrian lecturer and researcher in archaeology Nineb (Tooma) Lamassu and his grandson Firodil. From Australia his daughter Sumer, his sons Hormis and Nineb.
He is also survived from Australia by his brothers and family members, John Homeh, Joseph Homeh Jack Homeh, and sister Jacqueline. Two uncles Nissan Homeh and Adam Homeh (himself a well known writer and poet) in addition to many many more relatives and friends all over the world.
George Homeh you contributed to your nation in what you knew best and your voice and music will be heard and appreciated for generations to come.
May You Rest in Peace.
This biography has been prepared by Mr. Romeo Hanna from Sydney Australia